message from head manger

message from head manger
in the name of God
The most beautiful moments are for you that can have an effect on beautifying the moments of others.
Hadi Halab Packaging Industries has always been aiming to build a better future and more enjoyable moments. What strengthens the motivation to move within us is nothing but divine trust. During this time, our feet were strengthened by the smiles of the satisfaction of each worker, and the sound of the gears moving relieved us of the exhausting difficulty of production. For colleagues and hard workers who turn the production cycle with their capable hands, for dear customers who have chosen our products for packaging their products, for colleagues who introduce the products of this factory in all parts of the country and offer them to customers, for all loved ones Who are present in various stages of production, from the supply of raw materials to the delivery of products to customers, for compassionate and committed officials who, with the real support of industry owners, provide self-sufficiency, economic independence and employment development for young people. We remain hopeful of participating in building a “prosperous and independent Iran”, “creating employment” and continuing a “dynamic life” in the field of production. And we try to connect the tiredness of the body with the sweat of the brow and the smile of your satisfaction, dear ones, and firmly say “we still are “.