صنایع بسته بندی هادی حلب

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About Hadi Halab

Hadi Halab packaging Industry started its work in 1994 under the name of “Hadi Halab Company” with the aim of producing hygienic tins for packaging products such as cheese, paste, pickles, etc., and in line with the increasing development of food industries and in Competitive market, during the period of activity with the purchase of modern machines and various and up-to-date automatic machines in connection with the production of various products and printing on metal is one of the major manufacturers in the metal packaging industry and in recent years using new technologies While increasing the variety and amount of production,  has taken basic steps to improve the quality of products. currently, this factory, as one of the production activists of East Azerbaijan province, with the variety of production of more than 12 types of products in different sizes and by employing expert force and powerful hands of workers, has not only been able to sell all kinds of products to all parts Our dear country, but also as a complementary industry in the export of most of the pickles and canned food and other products has also played an effective role. Due to the importance of quality control in the production of products, the company is equipped with a modern laboratory and equipped with various devices and using skilled manpower according to the latest scientific methods and based on indicators provided by the relevant authorities and the  Standards organization and industrial research, with daily sampling and periodic tests, has been able to obtain the standard and try to provide its products with appropriate quality to customers.

Message from head manger

In the name of God
The most beautiful moments are for you that can have an effect on beautifying the moments of others.
Hadi Halab Packaging Industries has always been aiming to build a better future and more enjoyable moments. What strengthens the motivation to move within us is nothing but divine trust. During this time, our feet were strengthened by the smiles of the satisfaction of each worker, and the sound of the gears moving relieved us of the exhausting difficulty of production. For colleagues and hard workers who turn the production cycle with their capable hands, for dear customers who have chosen our products for packaging their products, for colleagues who introduce the products of this factory in all parts of the country and offer them to customers, for all loved ones Who are present in various stages of production, from the supply of raw materials to the delivery of products to customers, for compassionate and committed officials who, with the real support of industry owners, provide self-sufficiency, economic independence and employment development for young people. We remain hopeful of participating in building a “prosperous and independent Iran”, “creating employment” and continuing a “dynamic life” in the field of production. And we try to connect the tiredness of the body with the sweat of the brow and the smile of your satisfaction, dear ones, and firmly say “we still are”.

Our products

Head Office Address: Tabriz – Beheshti Crossroads (former Mansour) – Building 110 – 2nd floor

Contact number: 04135565462 __ 04135540583 -4 

Fax: 35565462

Factory address: Tabriz – 12 km of Tabriz Azarshahr road – in front of the organizational houses of the thermal power plant – the first of Esfahalan town – Hadi Aleppo company
Contact number: 04132458634 -5  __ 04132457681 -2 
Fax: 32457681

Design and support: Tejarat Gostar tgsh.ir